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Self study guide for elementary level learners of Russian
and for intermediate level students who wish to review basic grammar and vocabulary

Grammar Lesson 31

The Instrumental Case of Nouns. The Instrumental Case of Personal Pronouns. Uses and forms.

Russian grammar and vocabulary. Unit 7
Grammar Lesson 28
Verbs that take the Dative Case. The preposition по
Grammar Lesson 29
Expressing Availability and Necessity. Short-form adjectives занят vs. свободен; должен
Grammar Lesson 30
Verbal Aspect (introduction). Meaning of Aspect. Aspect and Tense. Future Tense: Imperfective and Perfective Future. Aspectual Pairs
Grammar Lesson 31
The Instrumental Case of Nouns. The Instrumental Case of Personal Pronouns. Uses and forms.
Grammar Lesson 32
The Instrumental Case of Adjectives, Possessive and Demonstrative Pronouns. Summary of endings
Quiz 16
Check what you have learned from Grammar Lessons 28-32 with this 15 minute quiz.
Test 7
Check what you have learned from Grammar Lessons 28-32.

 Грамматика                           The Instrumental Case. Introduction 

1. Uses of the Instrumental Case. Introduction 

The Instrumental case is used after the preposition с - "together with".

1. Он пьёт кофе с молоком.

1. He drinks coffee with milk.

2. Я хочу бутерброд с колбасой.

2. I want a sandwich with sausage.

The Instrumental case isalso used to translate the English phrase "someone and I": мы с братом - "my brother and I", мы с сестрой - "my sister and I", мы с друзьями - "my friends and I". 

3. Вчера мы с друзьями ходили в кино.

3. Yesterday my friends and I went to the movie theater.


To express the means, manner, or agent, by which an action is performed the Instrumental case without a preposition is used

4. Я пишу ручкой.

4. I write with a pen.

5. Японцы едят палочками.

5. The Japanese eat with chopsticks.

  • The Instrumental Case is also used  for objects of some prepositions. 
 2. The Instrumental Case of Nouns (Formation of Singular and Plural Forms)
The Instrumental case of nouns is formed from the Nominative case. Study the formation of the Instrumental Singular:

Hard stem nouns

Nominative -> Accusative

Soft stem nouns

Nominative -> Accusative

Masculine and Neuter 

брат -> братом

музей ->музеем

кафетерий -> кафетерием

словарь -> словарём

молоко = молоком

море -> морем

ружьё -> ружьём


здание ->зданием


колбаса -> колбасой

песня -> песней

курица -> курицей

история -> историей

семья -> семьёй

тедрадь -> тетрадью


палочки -> палочками

родители -> родителями

друзья -> друзьями

Instrumental Case endings: -ом (-ем, -ём); -ой (-ей, -ёй); -ами (-ями)


  • The Instrumental case endings for hard stem masculine and neuter nouns is -ом (братом, молоком). 
  • The Instrumental case endings for soft stem masculine and neuter nouns is -ем if the ending is unstressed (музеем, преподавателем, зданием) and -ём if the ending is stressed (словарём). The soft variant -ем is also used after ж, ш, ч, щ and ц if the ending is not stressed (канадцем).
  • The Instrumental case endings for hard stem feminine nouns is -ой (сестрой, колбасой). 
  • The Instrumental case endings for soft stem feminine nouns is -ей if the ending is unstressed (песней, историей) and -ёй if the ending is stressed (семьёй). The soft variant -ей is also used after ж, ш, ч, щ and ц if the ending is not stressed (курицей). 
  • Feminine nouns with ь at the end have the special ending spelled after the ь (тетрадью, дверью).
3. The Instrumental Case of Personal Pronouns
Memorize the Instrumental case of personal pronouns:
 Nominative: Кто? Что?  Instrumental: Кем? Чем?


 он, оно; она






he, it; she




 мной (со мной)

 тобой (с тобой)

 им; ей (с ним; с ней)

 нами (с нами)

 вами (с вами)

 ими (с ними)

 with/by me

 with/by  you

 with/by him, her

 with/by us

 with/by you

 with/by them

  • After a preposition the Instrumental case forms of the third person pronouns have the consonant н. Compare: с ним, с ней, с ними.
  • The preposition с becomes со before мной: со мной.

1. Мы учимся с ней в одном классе.

1. I am in the same class with her.

2. Они говорили со мной по-русски.

2. They spoke with me in Russian.

Exercises  Упражнения
Form the Instrumental case of nouns (hard endings)
Form the Instrumental case of nouns (soft endings)
Form the Instrumental case of nouns (hard and soft endings)

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