Food Items
From this lesson you will learn some questions usually asked at a
Russian Food store.
Study the following vocabulary first. Try to memorize the words.
Click each section to view the list of food items:
- Drinks
Суп, мясо, рыба, птица
- Soup, meat, fish, poultry
Молочные продукты
- Dairy Produce
- Vegetables
- Fruit
Выпечка и Десерт
- Baking Goods and Dessert
The questions you can ask in a food store are:
У вас есть...? - Do you have...?
Где можно купить...? - Where can I buy...
Listen to the following examples, repeat the questions and answers:
Скажите, пожалуйста, у вас
есть курица? |
- Tell me please, do you have chicken? |
Answers you might hear:
- Да, есть, в мясном отделе. |
- Yes, we have it in the meat department. |
Нет, у нас нет курицы. У нас есть только
хлеб и десерты. |
- No, we don't have it. We only have bread and
desserts. |
- Где можно купить виноград? |
- Where can I buy grapes? |
Answers you might hear:
В магазине "Овощи-Фрукты" или в
супермаркете. |
- In a store "Vegetables - Fruit" or
in a superstore. |
- В отделе "Овощи-Фрукты". |
- In the department "Vegetables -
Fruit". |
Listening: At a Grocery-Store
Click on the speaker to listen to the dialogue.
- Здравствуйте! Где можно купить
яблоки и виноград?
- В отделе "Овощи - Фрукты".
- Скажите, пожалуйста, у вас есть
йогурт и кефир?
- Да, есть. В отделе "Молочные
- Спасибо.
- Пожалуйста.
Translate the dialogue into English.
Reading and writing: Shopping for food - Покупаем
1. You are in Russia and want to cook dinner for yourself,
but you fridge is empty. Create a shopping list and write down
or type on your
computer at least three questions you would ask a shop assistant.
2. Read the whole list and the questions aloud at least three times.
3. Keep the written story for future reference.
Speaking: Shopping for food - Покупаем
Memorize the questions and ask them without looking at your paper or