Russian For Everyone Learn Russian Language Online

Self study guide for elementary level learners of Russian
and for intermediate level students who wish to review basic grammar and vocabulary

Grammar Lesson 13

Questions 'Какой' and 'Как?': Adjectives vs Adverbs.Formation of Adverbs. Adverbs of Place and Time

Russian grammar and vocabulary. Unit 4
Grammar Lesson 13
Questions 'Какой' and 'Как?': Adjectives vs Adverbs.Formation of Adverbs. Adverbs of Place and Time
Grammar Lesson 14
Talking about languages: русский язык vs по-русски. Language skills vs study or knowledge of language
Phrasebook Topic 11
Phrasebook Topic 12
Cardinal and Ordinal Numerals
Quiz 10
Check what you have learned from Grammar Lessons 13-14 and Phrasebook Topic 11 with this 10 minute quiz.
Grammar Lesson 15
Denoting a Direct Object. Accusative Case of Nouns (Formation of Singular Forms). Transitive and Intransitive verbs
Grammar Lesson 16
Accusative Case of Adjectives, Possessive and Demonstrative Pronouns. The verb хотеть - to want
Grammar Lesson 17
Studying and Teaching: изучать, учиться, заниматься, преподавать. Verbs with -ся
Phrasebook Topic 13
Subjects at School
Phrasebook Topic 14
About Myself
Quiz 11
Check what you have learned from Grammar Lessons 15-17 and Phrasebook Topics 13-14 with this 10 minute quiz.
Test 4
Check what you have learned from Grammar Lessons 13-17 and Phrasebook Topics 11-14.

 Грамматика                             Questions 'Какой' and 'Как?'. Adjectives and Adverbs

1. Adjectives vs Adverbs 
  Many words in English function both as adjectives and adverbs without a change in form. But it is not the same in Russian. To avoid confusion, remember the following:
An adjective - прилагательное is a word that modifies a noun or pronoun. It answers the questions Какой? Какая? Какое? Какие? (What kind of?) and takes masculine, feminine, neuter or plural endings depending on the noun it modifies. Examples:


 хороший журнал
 хорошая книга
 хорошее платье
 хорошие новости

 good magazine

 good book

 good dress

 good news

An adverb - наречие is an invariable word. It modifies a verb, an adjective or another adverb. It answers the question Как? (How?), does not have gender or number and never changes for cases. Examples:


 хорошо читать

 плохо говорить

 очень хороший

 очень хорошо

 read well

 speak badly

 very good

 very well

 Study the following examples. Click each statement to listen, then say it.

1. Джон читает хороший журнал.

1. John is reading a good magazine. (adjective)

2. Джон хорошо читает по-русски.

2. John reads well in Russian. (adverb)


3. Таня очень хорошо говорит по-английски.


3. Tanya speaks English very well. (adverbs)

4. Я плохо говорю по-английски.

4. I speak English badly. (adverb)



  • In Russian, evaluative adverbs such as хорошо (well), плохо (poorly), свободно (fluently), немного (a little) usually precede verbs. Compare the following Russian and English sentences:

  • Я хорошо говорю по-английски. I speak English well

    Я немного читаю по-русски. I read Russian a little.


2. Formation of Adverbs
Many Russian adverbs are derived from adjectives by replacing adjective endings with the invariable suffix .   Compare:
 Adjective  Adverb   Translation



  good - well

  bad - badly






Study the usage of adjectives and adverbs. Click each statement to listen, then say it.

1. Москва - красивый город.

1. Moscow is a beautiful city.

2. Там красиво.

2. It is beautiful there.

3. "Восток-Запад" - интересный фильм.

3. "East - West" is an interesting film.

4. Жить в Лондоне интересно.

4. It is interesting to live in London.


Some adverbs are formed with the prefix по- added to an adjective. Adjectival endings are replaced with the invariable suffix . Compare the following adjectives and adverbs related to languages:

 Adjective  Adverb   Translation

















Study the usage of adjectives and adverbs. Click each statement to listen, then say it.

1. Лев Толстой - русский писатель.

1. Leo Tolstoy is a Russian author.

2. Джон читает по-русски.

2. John reads in Russian.

3. Вы говорите по-английски?

3.  Do you speak English?

3.   Adverbs of Place and Time
Adverbs of place and adverbs of time are not derived from adjectives. They have no special adverbial suffix. As all other adverbs they do not change their form for gender, number, and case, i.e. they are invariable.

    Adverbs of place answer the question Где? "Where". Examples: 

    здесь - here

    там - there

    дома - at home


    Adverbs of time answer the question Когда? "When". Examples: 

    всегда - always

    вчера - yesterday

    сегодня - today

    завтра - tomorrow

    часто - often

    редко - rarely

    зимой - in winter

    летом - in summer

    осенью - in fall

    весной - in spring

    утром - in the morning

    вечером - at night

 Study the following examples. Click each statement to listen, then say it.

1. Я здесь живу.

1. I live here.

2. Вчера Андрей работал, а сегодня он отдыхает.

2. Yesterday Andrew worked, but today he is relaxing.

Reading  Чтение




Read the text below. Note the usage of adverbs and adjectives.




Знакомьтесь, это Джон. Джон - канадец. Сейчас он живёт в Москве и изучает русский язык. Он очень хорошо говорит по-русски.  

Джон говорит о Москве: "Жить и учиться в Москве очень интересно. Москва - большой и красивый город. Я живу здесь почти год".


* изуча ет - he studies

*учи ться - to study (to be a student)

* почти год - almost a year

Москва зимой - Moscow in winter time


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Exercises  Упражнения
Adjective or adverb?
Adjective or adverb?
Adjective or adverb?

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